After careful collaboration with our clients, crews, the CDC, and the AICP, these are the protocols and steps we’ve taken to keep our sets safe, and the learnings we’ve found from executing shoots under these guidelines.
- Where applicable, crews will be staggered over multiple days: build day, prelight, shoot day and wrap day. This will allow us to control the number of crew on location or in studio. It does not mean we would have ALL of the crew working multiple days. Budgets will need to reflect an approach that covers COVID testing for the crew and talent and allows us to maintain social distancing policies as dictated by the CDC.
- Personal Protective Equipment, health questionnaires and contactless thermometer temperature check-in will be required.
- The on-set filming space will be clearly defined to control access to that area. Non-essential crew will be kept outside of the filming space, standing by, and will be called in, in a safe manner, when needed.
- When employing glam teams, additional layers of PPE, such as face shields will be provided to protect the crew and talent. Special safety procedures will be put into place to avoid contaminating any tools or makeup products.
- Any meals served by catering will be pre-ordered, individually packed, box lunch-style, and any crafty will be individually wrapped, sanitized, and served by craft service with serving utensils.
- A digital copy of Safety Protocols will be shared with all crew prior to hiring.
- Designated department sections will be mapped out, creating one-way lanes when needed for crew to avoid bumping into each other and keeping track of the 6ft social distancing recommendation.
- While Travel Restrictions continue, Remote Video Village will be utilized for clients to be present on shoot days.
- There will be a Safety Supervisor on every set and identified at the morning’s safety meeting. This person will be responsible for ensuring the crew follows safety procedures and consistently wears their PPE.
- All sets will have multiple hand sanitizing stations and disinfectant will be made available to each department. The key here will be to remind crews throughout the day to keep this practice frequent and consistent.
- Micro-crew: DP + Audio Mixer + Producer
- Crew arrives at talent’s home to set up camera, lighting, teleprompter, prior to talent coming to set.
- Director calls in remotely via video conference to approve framing/lighting/set dec with crew on-site.
- Client attends video conference with Director to watch the shoot and provide their notes via private channel.
- Director-assisted interviews via video conferencing where subject films on their own device or provided kit from home.
- Client attends video conference with Director to watch the shoot and provide their notes via private channel.
- Crew arrives at talent’s home to set up camera, lighting, teleprompter, prior to talent coming to set.
- Micro-crew: Director/DP + Audio Mixer + Producer
- Individual interviews only from a distance, or Director-assisted interviews via video conferencing where subject films on their own device or provided kit from home.
- B-roll footage will be shot MOS when possible, or using on-board camera mics for nat sound.
- DP will make use of other small-footprint cameras (GoPros, Drones, etc.) to capture additional footage from safe distances and eliminate extra personnel.
Day 1: Build Day/Install
- Crew: Director, Production, Art Department
- Production: Set Up/ Prep Work Areas Prior to department arrivals
- Art: Install the set, dress and prop everything.
- Director: later in the day
Day 2: Pre-light/Test Set
- Crew: Director, Production, DP, AC, G&E, Art
- Camera: Light set, shoot camera tests
- Director/Client: later in the day for check-ins, run-throughs
Day 3: Shoot Day
- Crew: Dept Heads Only, Assistants are allowed for Camera and Art with 10 or less people on the actual set depending on size, all practicing social distancing.
- Clients: Attending shoot via remote video village
Day 4: Wrap Day
- Production, Art, G&E (later in day)
- All departments wrap out safely and separately
- PPE is mandatory. Individual, sanitized pre-packaged PPE will be provided for all crew on prep and shoot days.
- Face shields will be provided for Hair & Makeup, Wardrobe, Audio, and any other department needing to work very closely during production.
- High touch areas will be sanitized regularly.
- Temperatures will be taken before crew members exit their vehicles, and they’ll be given their PPE for the day.

- Set builds are recommended over home locations for this phase.
- We will create one-way lanes when needed for crew to avoid bumping into each other and keeping track of the 6ft social distance recommendation.

- Crew size will be determined on a project by project basis with consideration of distancing protocols.
- Departments will be assigned areas of the studio for equipment staging. Those areas will be taped off and labeled.
- Wardrobe will be prepped and laid out for talent during the prep days, stylist only present on shoot day if necessary.
- Only essential crew can attend shoot on shoot day and limits to the filming area will be enforced.

- Breakfast, when provided, will be breakfast sandwiches, served “grab and go” as requested.
- Lunch orders will be taken the day before, then individually boxed, laid out, and served to crew by catering.
- Lunch seating will be provided with tables and chairs spaced out to maintain safe distancing protocols.
- Craft Service table will only be accessible to one crew member at a time. There will be a designated area for crew to stand while at the table. All snacks will be individually wrapped and served to crew by the craft service person on request.
- We will continue to ask the crew to carry individual reusable water bottles. On request, crafty will initiate the filling while the individual holds their bottle (or crafty will sanitize the dispenser button after each use).

- Video Auditions – casting agency/directors provide real time direction with actors at home via video conferencing. The session is recorded and sent for review. If needed, callbacks can also be done with desired actors.

- Remote video village lets you attend shoots from anywhere, watch playback, and give notes to the production team in real-time.
- On set, separate monitors and areas for director, producer, camera, and lighting are established.
- Off set monitors will be provided for glam teams not on-set.

- Bark Bark will work with location scouts to identify larger homes and venues open for filming.
- Locations will require pre and post cleaning and disinfecting.
- Locations will need to be selected based on permit accessibility and applied for as early as possible.
- Location contracts should be executed as early as possible.
- We will consider finding and holding a backup location as a precautionary measure.
- Securing locations will rely heavily on properties repped by agents.
- Production will need to provide alternative lodging and per diems to house occupants for the duration of the shoot + 24 hours after the house has wrapped and been disinfected.
- House occupants will not be permitted to come and go to maintain a consistent work environment.
- Bring sensor-activated soap dispensers, hand dryers, etc. to locations when available.
- Provide hand sanitizing stations in multiple areas of the location and encourage hand washing.
- Have one individual put up and take down all location signs.
- Locations should in general be ‘closed sets’ with no non-essential visitors.
NOTE: These guidelines are for everyone’s safety and you are required to read this entire document and acknowledge that you understand what is being asked of you and your fellow crew members. We have created these guidelines by speaking with many of you and asking for your thoughts, however, you will be entering a real world situation and it may be difficult to not act like you’re used to, but times are different now. If you see something that makes you uncomfortable, or realize a better, safer way to conduct a task, PLEASE SAY SOMETHING at that time and we can all adjust what we do. EVERYONE HAS A VOICE IN THIS TO KEEP EVERYONE SAFE.
- The key to working in the current environment is for everyone to take their time and slow it down so you can execute your job safely in a clean environment. It won’t be easy to retrain yourself so for the foreseeable future, SLOW DOWN.
- Most importantly, if you are sick – stay home. If you are running a fever – stay home. No project is worth the risk.
- If any crew member develops symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell) or feels sick during a production assignment, you should:
- Isolate yourself immediately
- Keep your mask on
- Notify the onsite medic, safety consultant, and production manager
- You will be sent home as quickly as possible
- Medical advice should be sought immediately
- A replacement will be found
- While working on set all crew and cast should use good hygiene and take preventative measures to protect yourself and others.
- We recommend that you follow prevention and preparation guidelines from the CDC.
- Your temperature will be taken by a medic at the beginning and end of each day you are working on set. This includes build, pre-light, shoot and wrap days. Your temperature will be logged in a document and shared with your Production Supervisor. At call, you will follow the BARK BARK location signs which will direct you to a drive up medic station. Your temperature will be taken with a contactless thermometer while you remain in your car. Once the medic has given you the go ahead, you will be given a mask to wear for the day. Masks are required to be worn before you exit your vehicle.
- WASH YOUR HANDS! Please wash your hands before, as needed during, and after work with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. If soap and running water are not available at the time, or far away from where you are, please use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands with the sanitizer and rub them together until they feel dry. We will have hand sanitizing stations set up throughout the work area for you to use.
- Production will also supply additional masks and disposable nitrile gloves as needed. Wearing a mask will be mandatory at all times. Disinfectant wipes and/or disinfecting supplies will be made available to each department for the purpose of wiping down surfaces that other departments will, by necessity, come in contact with.
- Do not shake hands. Do not hug. Do not touch equipment that does not belong to you or is not part of your department.
- If you need something moved, or require equipment from another department, ask that department to move that equipment or provide you with what you need. Again, if it is a requirement of your job that you have to come in contact with equipment from another department, wipe down the surface when you have finished your task.
- Each department will set their equipment in the designated department sections. We will have scheduled/organized the project so that as few people are on set as possible, but we still ask that everyone keep 6 feet of distance between all crew members. As you are required to come together, for safety reasons as soon as that specific task is completed, immediately return to proper safe distancing.
- Production will ensure all shared surfaces are wiped clean and disinfected throughout the day. We will have a designated crew member performing this task.
- All paperwork will be digital. If you need to fill out any additional forms, do it at home and bring it to set with you or scan and email to production. If you have forgotten, we will provide a new pen to each employee for signing any documents, and you can keep or discard the pen after use. Do not share pens. Feel free to bring your own, but we strongly encourage you to take care of all paperwork online.
On location or inside and outside of the studio, we will designate separate zones for each department. Only members of that designated department will be allowed into these staging areas. Please practice social distancing and keep to your department’s assigned areas only.
Production Department:
- Ensure that there are designated entrance and exits to the studio/location where possible. Clean and disinfect all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace, such as tables, chairs, doorknobs and create an easy system to re-disinfect frequent touched areas.
- Set up a table to distribute disinfectant wipes or bottles to each department head.
- Check all wash stations are supplied with soap and individually dispensed paper towels.
- Ensure that hand sanitizer is provided at all workstations.
- Tape all department zones, on set areas, craft service and catering to map out the required 6ft social distant locations.
- Monitor and limit the amount of people stepping into specified departmental zones.
- Make sure the crew is wearing masks and practicing social distancing at all times.
- Once wardrobe and makeup load into their designated dressing room areas, wipe down all surfaces again to ensure talent is walking into a clean space (this can crossover all depts).
- Walkies should be assigned to the crew member the day before shoot day for quicker distribution. Each radio needs to be individually bagged and handed to crew members. Replacement batteries must be disinfected between uses.
- No sharing walkies.
- Carry hand sanitizer with you at all times as well as disinfectant wipes.
- Wear a mask when exiting your car for any runs.
- Direction will be given from behind a separate monitor placed outside of the “on set/camera” area. Director will communicate with the AD, who will communicate with each department as needed.
Assistant Director:
- It will be the responsibility of the AD to make sure the area around the camera is controlled and limited to ONLY the essential personnel. There was a time when the director would make a change and every department member would scramble to make it happen. Not anymore. The AD will control HOW that change is made utilizing the appropriate departments. This will be done by first making sure the area around the work needing to be done is clear of any departmental crew not necessary to execute that work. Once the area is clear, then the AD will instruct that required department key to commence.
Chief Safety Officer:
- Always making sure social distancing is maintained. Keep the crew honest about wearing masks and washing hands.
- Work with production to identify high touch areas and make sure production has those cleaned on a regular basis.
Set Medic:
- Set medic is responsible for the overall safety of the location. They will take and record the temperature of each crew member as they arrive in confidentiality at their vehicle. Mask and gloves must be worn. Production will provide no contact thermometers.
- Set medic will monitor crew for proper hygiene, social distancing regulations, and to make sure PPE is properly worn at all times.
Art Department:
- The entire department must maintain social distancing protocol at all times.
- For Department head and shoppers this means in prop houses or stores you are to keep a minimum of 6 feet from anyone else. You should be wearing a mask while shopping.
- Designate a point person to wipe down all items purchased with a disinfectant product.
- There will be no Petty Cash provided, instead you will receive a company
- Purchasing Card or you will make all purchases on your personal card for immediate reimbursement. For purchases in store, please use caution when checking out and paying with a credit card to not touch surfaces and disinfect after use. It is strongly encouraged to shop via online retailers such as Amazon and Instacart to avoid stores. Items being shipped from these virtual stores must also be disinfected. Stay home whenever possible.
- Please be sure to review all store policies on refunds/exchanges prior to purchasing. Stores may not be accepting returns and you’ll need to know what items will be hard costs ahead of time.
- Only one member of the Art crew should be in the department truck at any given time. If you need to switch drivers, please wipe down all touched surfaces prior to handing over the keys. For pick-ups and returns, it’s best if the additional person drives his/her own car to each vendor to assist.
- All set decoration and props will be brought onto the stage/location on the designated set dress day. On that day the Art Department will load directly onto the stage/location as close to “set” as possible keeping as small a footprint as possible. Art department will be the only group to touch and handle set decoration and props. If someone from another department or the director needs something moved, they will ask the Art Director to have it moved. NO ONE should touch set decor or props but the art department. Actors may interact with only the props on set that are designated for each character.
Wardrobe Department:
- Review all store policies on refunds/exchanges prior to purchasing. Stores may not be accepting returns and you’ll need to know what may be hard costs ahead of time. Wear a mask while shopping. Top picks for clothing should be cleaned ahead of the shoot.
- There will be no Petty Cash provided, instead you will receive a company Purchasing Card or you will make all purchases on your personal card for reimbursement. For purchases in store, please use caution when checking out and paying with a credit card to not touch surfaces and disinfect after use. It is strongly encouraged to shop via online retailers such as Amazon and Instacart to avoid stores. Items being shipped from these virtual stores must also be disinfected. Stay home whenever possible.
- Production will ensure all surfaces are wiped down prior to loading in. All wardrobe racks and surfaces must be disinfected prior to hanging or laying any clothes down. The day prior to the shoot you will prep all the wardrobe needed for talent – lay out 1st choice wardrobe and label it by character name, hang back-up options and label as such, then bag all wardrobe. Disinfect all jewelry or glasses you might be providing talent. Once setup is complete, production will disinfect the room for talent use.
- Any clothes worn by talent will be given to that actor. Any wardrobe not worn will be returned. If there is an online return option for a particular retailer, please utilize that method. If in store returns are necessary, please follow the same procedures.
- While shopping for makeup items, if you have to do it in store, please wear a mask and gloves and be sure to maintain a 6 foot social distance between yourself and anyone else. If you can order all the necessary supplies online, please do so.
- Makeup will load into the talent dressing room and layout the necessary product and separate tools for each talent. All product application tools will be new and unopened. You will be required to wear gloves, mask, and face shield while interacting with talent.
- Last looks and touch-ups will be done in the make-up room. If talent is on set, they will return to dressing room for last looks.
Camera Department:
- Only DP and 1st AC are allowed to touch the camera with the exception of VTR and Audio Mixer as it relates to the connection of those department’s specific equipment. DP and AC should step away from the camera as these tasks are being executed. After VTR and Audio finish connecting the necessary cable, they will wipe down the surface area on the camera that they came in contact with. 2nd AC DIT/Data Manager will be stationed out of the studio and will only come into the studio/location as needed to deliver additional equipment or to take/return media cards. Cards must be wiped as you pass them. If possible, the camera should live on a dolly and slider to limit the number of people that need to touch the actual camera. Monitors should be wireless where possible. Slating will be handled by the 2nd AC as long as the number of crew on set allows for it, otherwise this task will be passed to the Gaffer. They will also be responsible for setting up our in-studio witness camera at the predetermined location.
- Drives will be disinfected once all the footage has been loaded, then those drives will be sealed and delivered to editors.
Electric Department:
- Clean all equipment with disinfectant at the start of each day. As you are required to work with a partner for set ups, you will be required to wear a mask. Once tasks are completed please disperse back to a social distance and remain that way until your work brings you back together. Only work with your equipment and only in tandem with the Grip/Electric department as necessary to execute the required task safely.
Grip Department:
- Clean all equipment with disinfectant at the start of each day. As you are required to work with a partner for set ups, you will be required to wear a mask. Once tasks are completed please disperse back to a social distance and remain that way until your work brings you back together. Only work with your equipment and only in tandem with the Grip/Electric department as necessary to execute the required task safely.
Sound Department:
- At the start of the day, wipe down all of your equipment with disinfectant, boom and lav mics especially. Do not interact with any departments or talent until a greenlight has been given to plug in any necessary connections. The Boom Op should maintain 6ft distance on the set. When mic-ing talent, mixer or boom-op will be required to wear a face shield as well as a mask and gloves.
- If headphones are needed by the director or client, we recommend personal headphones or Production will provide disposable earbuds. All receivers will be labeled with the name of the user the day before. Production will provide those names to you.
Video Assist:
- Work Area: IN STUDIO -or- LOCATION
- Please set up in designated VTR work space. Wipe down all monitors with disinfectant. Do not interact with any departments until a greenlight has been given to plug in any necessary connections or set monitors. Provide off-set monitors for each department.
- Talent must wear a mask at all times. On camera blocking will be done in accordance with Social Distancing policies.
- There will be no one from the wardrobe department on the shoot day unless absolutely necessary. It will be the responsibility of the talent to dress themselves for their roles. All wardrobe will be labeled and laid out per character with a back up choice (as needed) labeled as well. All makeup and application tools will be laid out based on talent needs in designated “personal” areas for each actor. DO NOT share application tools. DO NOT enter into a designated area belonging to anyone else. Please remain in the dressing room until someone from production comes to get you and bring you to set.
- Minors: Allow ample time for permitting. Notify guardians not to bring non-essential persons. Provide ample space and infrastructure for schooling. Confirm you have PPE that fits minors. Provide PPE for teachers and guardians. Provide extra attention for children to ensure they follow safety guidelines. Avoid doing hair or make-up unless absolutely necessary.
Catering and Craft Service:
- Breakfast, when provided, will be breakfast sandwiches. Craft Service will serve these “grab and go” meals as requested. Lunch orders will be taken the day before, then individually boxed, laid out and served to crew by catering.
- Lunch seating will be provided with tables and chairs set-up to maintain safe distancing protocols established by the CDC.
- Craft Service table will only be accessible to one crew member at a time. There will be a designated area for crew to stand while at the table. All snacks will be individually wrapped and served to crew by the craftservice person on request. DO NOT take anything off of the craft service table yourself. Crafty will wear a mask, gloves, and face shield and will frequently sanitize hands and change gloves. We will continue to ask the crew to carry individual reusable water bottles. On request, crafty will initiate the filling while the individual holds their bottle (or crafty will sanitize the dispenser button after each use).
Food Stylist:
- Prep Day will be during our pre-light. Key Stylist or Key Assistant will not come into the studio during this time but keep to the prep kitchen exclusively. Key Stylist will be the only team member allowed to work on the actual set. Key Food Stylist will be required to also wear a face shield while on set and/or instructing talent within 6 ft. Styling assistant will be limited to the prep kitchen and the in studio prep/staging area.
- Safe food handling is very important. Everyone on the styling team must change their gloves regularly. Once food has been prepped, place a plastic dome or other impenetrable covering over any food that is intended to be consumed. Food will be passed to the talent and no one but talent is to touch the food once it has been placed under protective covering.
This information is intended only to provide general information on the subject covered and not as a comprehensive or exhaustive treatment, legal advice, or a legal opinion. Individuals are advised to consult with legal counsel and other professionals with respect to the application of the subject covered to any specific production or other factual situation.