FYI “Double Vision”
FYI, the following vignettes may have you seeing double.
To get this portmanteau-themed project underway, we had a major mind meld to come up with a huge supply of thought-provoking combinations of images and live-action footage. After painstakingly shooting more than 40 unique combinations over two days, we designed a massive, flexible toolkit to create FYI brand IDs and sponsor tagged vignettes that cleverly play with shapes, perspective, and familiar objects to create interesting, new pairings and complete the picture. This inventive approach allows us to interchange or reshoot the combos to allow for infinite customization. We utilized a custom music bed for all of the vignettes, and accented each with specific sound effects to go with what’s happening in the combos.
FYI loved these spots so much that they’ll be airing internationally for the world to see! Keep an eye out if you’re traveling abroad.